Sunday, March 30, 2008

Jumping into the blogosphere with both paws

Well, we've finally done it. Together Nora and I have created our first blog. After all, if Sneaky Pie Brown can co-author books with Rita Mae Brown, why can't Nora and I co-author a blog?

I'm pretty sure I'm one of the humans around here, but we're lucky enough to be owned by 3 wonderful cats - Casper, Lois Lane, and Nora, aka Bluemania Ailinora Liadan. At 9 months old, Nora may be the baby, but since she seems fascinated by the computer and often "helps" when I am trying to type or surf, I thought we'd do this together. Casper and Lois can't be bothered to fit blogging into their busy schedules at the moment, but they may be persuaded to make guest appearances at times. Besides, as one of our friends recently pointed out, Nora is too young to be blogging without parental supervision.


Kooky's Mom said...

Welcome to the world of blogging Nora and Nora's Human :-) I'm sure that we will all be entertained by the daily antics of Nora as she goes about terrorizing Lois and Casper and as she tries her best to train her humans.

catwatcher said...

Nora must be living the "Princess Diaries". She has to be getting ready to take over the royal duties of her household. How lucky for her siblings and parents!

BarbaraME said...

Now you've done it! Smudge and Oreo want a blog too *sigh*.

This will be fun... :-)