Monday, March 31, 2008

Terrorizing my "big" sister

As a pure-bred Maine Coon, I'm a pretty big girl at 9 months, so big that at times it's hard to remember that I'm still just a baby. I really like to play with Casper and Lois, but they don't always want to play with me, and I just can't understand it. When I was a wee little baby, my humans protected me from Casper and Lois when they played too rough. Now the shoe is on the other paw.

Some time last week, Casper got hurt and I think it may be my fault. We play. A lot. Sometimes things get a little rough. I like to jump up on things, and I'm not afraid of heights. Casper sees that I often get away with lying on the dining room table, or running across the breakfast bar. So she's started lying on the dining room table, or stretching out on the kitchen counters. She's a little bit chicken, so she jumps down pretty fast when a human comes into the room. Silly girl. It's better to be bold, be brazen and shamelessly cute in your disobedience. Hey, it works for me. Never let them see you act guilty!

See how cute I look being bad? I love high places, and can get up everywhere. I like to perch up high in the kitchen and supervise.

Anyway, I digress. On Friday night, the humans noticed that Casper was really limping, and favoring her back leg. They fussed over her, and debated taking her to the vet. I am so sorry Casper. I never meant for you to have to go there. I kept a low profile – since you never want to be real visible when the humans are gathering up cats to go to the vet.

On Saturday morning, Casper left in the car with both humans. At least they didn't put her in a cage. My human carried her wrapped in a towel. I could hear her crying and protesting the indignity as they pulled out of the garage. It seemed like forever, but they were back in a couple of hours. Casper still isn't speaking to me though. I wonder how long she'll hold a grudge? I mean, it's just a sore muscle, and she's holding her leg up like it's the end of the world. She really is OK. I swear.



BarbaraME said...

My big brother, Oreo, is a drama king too so I feel your pain. Good advice on hiding when a cat gets taken to the vet!


Kooky's Mom said...

Hey Sis you should try staying out of trouble when you've got 10 birds in the house. What in the world does my humans think I am a saint!! Come on it's in my nature to chase birds. I've got 3 furry brothers I can hang with but they are older and don't play as much but boy those birds I can sure get a reaction out of them and my humans LOL
